酒蔵萬流 > Paid Articles > Improve “quality” and “quantity” through differentiation of brands, “Dewatsuru”, “Yamatoshizuku”, and “Kariho”
Akita Seishu Daisen City, Akita Prefecture , Akita

Improve “quality” and “quantity” through differentiation of brands, “Dewatsuru”, “Yamatoshizuku”, and “Kariho”

Interview : 2016/03
Akita Seishu which owns both Dewatsuru and Kariho breweries, are in the midst of an evolution. In particular, Dewatsuru Brewery is improving its sake quality and brewing volume, building on the success of its Yamatoshizuku series, which was launched with local sake retailers and contract farmers. The next step is to make all of Dewatsuru Brewery's sake junmai or pure-rice sake. Furthermore, the company is looking to create a new brewing system in which the entire process from rice production to distribution is handled locally.

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