酒蔵萬流 > Paid Articles > Along with local contract farmers, “aspiring to be a brewery that identifies with Misatonishiki”
Kuribayashi Shuzoten Senboku County, Akita Prefecture , Akita

Along with local contract farmers, “aspiring to be a brewery that identifies with Misatonishiki”

Interview : 2025/03
There is no brewing without Akita’s own sake specific rice variety, Misatonishiki, for Kuribayashi Shuzoten. Naoaki Kuribayashi, 7th generation owner, has reviewed the production process and has focused on brewing with Misatonishiki, since he has become the director of production. Misatonishiki is now a defining feature of the brewery, and is their tool of choice to go in to the market domestically and internationally.

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